Final Report from Happy Changemakers

Executive Summary

The Mallacoota and District Recovery Association Inc (MADRA) Phase 2 Strategic Planning and Linkages Project aimed to engage with the Mallacoota and District community to:

  • Understand whether and how best to transition MADRA from being a community recovery committee (formed as a result of the 19/20 Black Summer Bushfires) into becoming an ongoing community representative group, able to meet the current and future needs of the Mallacoota district communities

  • If MADRA is to continue, support the committee, association members and broader community to understand all the legal, governance, operational and structural considerations and carefully design and implement this transition

  • Streamline MADRA’s current governance and decision-making processes in preparation for the transition and to improve these elements in the interim for the current committee

Happy Changemakers was engaged by MADRA’s volunteer committee to establish a project working party and consult with MADRA members and community groups over May – September 2024.

We heard stories of appreciation and acknowledgement for MADRA (committee members and other volunteers, working parties, past and present) and its vital role as a community recovery committee.

We heard from many community members and groups about MADRA’s advocacy and support for individuals in distress and need including rebuilding of housing lost during the bushfires and the need for improved mental health services.

Community recovery isn’t just about rebuilding what was lost, it is also about improving wellbeing, the natural environment, activities like sports, arts and culture and events that enables social connectedness and economic recovery, jobs and resilience to future disasters such as floods, power outages and extreme weather events.

In summary, there is strong support for MADRA to continue and evolve.

Our recommendations for MADRA’s Future Direction are:

  • Maintain current Governance model and Constitution

  • Seek legal advice on auspicing, resilience, representation and disaster preparedness (in progress)

  • Report on Community Led Recovery Plan and acknowledge collective achievements and progress and work to still be done

  • Host Quarterly Forums (could be rotated with different community groups hosting and organizing) for two-way communication, forward planning, grant and project updates and strengthen bridging networks (social capital theory)

  • Implement The Three Point Plan.

MADRA needs continued support from members, volunteers and other resources to continue.

Thank you to everyone involved in this project and for the vast contributions you are making to Mallacoota and District’s communities, residents, businesses, visitors and future and to East Gippsland Shire Council for support with the grant funding process.

Further Reading

To read the rest of the Happy Changemakers Strategic Planning Phase 2 & Linkages Final Report by Click Here for the PDF version.


Merry Christmas from MADRA!


Projects and Initiatives Update - October 2024