MADRA August 2023 News

MADRA planning

Now that we’re coming up to the close of MADRA’s third year we’ve been taking stock of the work of the past year and talking about the direction that MADRA may take with the election of a new committee this spring. With funding provided by the Shire, we’ve been working with a consultant to prioritise the recovery and resilience projects (both current and in reference to MADRA’s Recovery Plan) that are still relevant – and then we’ll be asking our community to collaborate in talking about the future shape and direction of MADRA. We’re looking forward to sharing ideas and discussions in the coming weeks. The AGM and election of the new committee will be held in either late October or early November.

Bushfire fuel management

Late in July, MADRA was pleased to meet with the Commissioner of Emergency Management Victoria, Andrew Crisp, and representatives from agencies and the Fuel Management Working Group in Mallacoota. This was our second meeting this year and an opportunity to follow up on the issues of sustainable bushfire risk management specific to Mallacoota and our surrounding district.

We expressed the concerns felt within our communities about the regrowth in our surrounding environment, the drier-than-usual conditions we’ve observed this winter, and the likelihood of increased bushfire risk. We learned more about the Office of Bushfire Risk Management (OBRM), and representatives from DEECA/FFM assured us that their assessment of risk, planning, and program of works is continually tuned to the effects of our changing climate condition – and that there is adequate funding and resources to carry out the works as planned for this area under the Joint Fuel Management Program (JFMP).

MADRA has asked for ongoing updates from the agencies and more access to the OBRM research and information on which these fuel management plans are made so that our communities can better understand the local management of bushfire risk. It was a productive meeting, and we appreciate the work and effort of those involved. We will be passing on further information in the coming months. The next local Fuel Management Group meeting is planned for October.

Community storage

A lack of storage space for the equipment belonging to community groups remains a problem. Thanks to an audit and a working bee, some of the issues have been resolved and space has been freed up at the Main Hall, but there is still a pressing need for more permanent storage space for community resources. MADRA is continuing to work with Halls and Rec. and the Shire to find a location that can incorporate both the Tool Library and community storage space.

Timber milling project

Some good news from the Timber Milling team! Milling started again this week at the Golf Club and the much-needed timber is already on its way to our fire-affected folk. Nearby residents may notice some noise related to the milling, during daytime work hours only, over the next two to three weeks.

Coming up ...

Another convivial Sunday Soup session was held at the end of July. These gatherings have been well supported and are a great, informal way to get together and share food and company. The next gathering is planned for Sunday the 10th of September – details to follow soon. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

And lastly, there will be a wellbeing day held on the 6th of October for all our valued volunteers. Details for the day will be announced soon.




MADRA September 2023 News


MADRA July 2023 News